Aeromotus Launched New Customized Solutions Leave a comment

Aeromotus Launched New Customized Solutions

Could you imagine the modern world without drones? Seems likes it’s impossible. They are used not only for making family photos or videos. It goes without saying that professional drones can even save lives! However, high-quality drones and equipment for them aren’t cheap. But we know the solution!

Here, at Aeromotus, you can buy not only high-quality drones! Now, we offer great customized solutions that allow you to boost your productivity and achieve much better results at a lower cost. Let’s take a look at all these solutions in greater details.

InstaPro 360 Camera Based on Matrice 600 Pro

This solution is for those who need professional equipment to work in bad environmental conditions. DJI Matrice 600 needs no introduction. It’s an absolutely new flying platform developed for professional industrial applications. This drone can stand almost any weather conditions and has a longer flight time as compared to other DJI drones.

We offer a superb solution for you. Here, at Aeromotus, you can buy DJI Matrice 600 with built-in InstaPRO 360 camera. The main advantage of this customized solution is that you’ll get a reliable flying machine together with a perfect camera.

Moreover, you’ll get the following benefits:

  • 360° + 360° 3D Imaging, 8K Ultra-high definition;
  • Real-time image stitching;
  • Optical flow image stitching.

Indeed, 360 cameras offer an unlimited field of view and fascinating stabilization. As a result, users can capture a unique 3rd person view (mind that it is impossible to do this on other cameras). Such cameras allow users to get professional cinematic shots. One can easily simulate movements and take photos that normally require too expensive equipment.

Moreover, when using a stabilized 360 camera, there’s no need to spend your precious time on framing the camera. You can stay focused on your activities.

Besides, such cameras are also great for selfies. When using them, you can feel certain that you’ll capture not only your friends but the background too.

Here, at Aeromotus, you have a fair opportunity to choose between two options: gimbaled Moza Air 360 and Damper versions of the installation. If you are searching for a worthy solution, which will remove vibrations, the use of a damper system might be the right thing.

KEII Thermal Camera Based on DJI Matrice M200

Thermal imaging cameras were initially developed for police officers. However, right now, they are widely used in building, firefighting and other areas. Today, thermal imagers are must-have tools in the following areas:

  • Safety and law enforcement. Firefighting, surveillance, maritime navigation and search&rescue operations are impossible without thermal imagers. Moreover, thermal imaging cameras also help identify buildings with suspiciously high temperatures, detect the presence of specific gases and lots of other safety checks.
  • Animal rescue operations, termite detections and wildlife surveys are also impossible without these cameras.
  • Thermal imagers are also used in the area of healthcare. Simply put, it is a superb way to detect musculoskeletal and circulation problems, locate potential areas of infection and detect variations in skin temperature.

It is safe to say that a drone in a combination with a thermal imager is a must-have tool of any firefighter, building constructor or any other expert who needs a flying thermal imager.

Aeromotus offers another customized solution – KEII Thermal Camera based on DJI Matrice M200. KEII thermal camera is specifically developed for drones. It comes with a 50mm lens, used for target detection in a long distance. The greatest benefit of this tool is that it can record 16 bit full radiometric IR data with precise temperature measurement.

DJI Matrice M200 allows you to control the camera with video signal transmission up to 10 km. Therefore this customized solution is a must-have tool in emergency cases.

The combination of this thermal imager with DJI Matrice 200 is a great solution, which can be applied in the police, building, firefighting, and other areas.

Rescue Light System (6 modules) Based on DJI Matrice 600 Pro

The use of this customized solution might be the best solution in special force rescue missions and cinematography. Depending on your needs, you can change and use different modules. Even if there are some urgent local lightning needs, the use of this customized solution from Aeromotus might be the right thing.

The main benefits of this tool include:

  • Top-quality CREE LED CXA modules;
  • Aluminum reflectors;
  • DC boost power converted supply;
  • Fast release system which is interchangeable with other systems;
  • The brightness is up to 50.000 lux.

Therefore, it’s a powerful lightning solution which can be applied in a variety of situations.

All these solutions are offered for sale here, at Gradually, we’ll add more superb offers, allowing you to enjoy the use of professional drones and high-resolution cameras.

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