The Mavic Pro: How Does DJI Managed to Find a Balance Between Performance and Portability? Leave a comment

The Mavic Pro: How Does DJI Managed to Find a Balance Between Performance and Portability?

The release of Mavic Pro really amazed the society. Such a tiny drone and such a high performance! How didthe company manage to do so? The team of developers confessed that that was not an easy task. They weremade to create several prototypes, test lots of features until they created the drone which we know as MavicPro. This creative process took too much time and efforts.

The most complicated task was to create a small, portable drone which doesn’t lack functionality. Nevertheless, they managed to create a device, which maintains high image quality standards and at thesame time, is quite easy to use. These days, Mavic Pro is regarded to be the best small drone which createshigh-quality images. Now, professional aerial filming and photography are available to everyone interested. Besides, this drone is an excellent alternative to a number of bulky devices. You can take it anywhere with you!


Let’s check out the most spectacular features of this device. The first one is the folded-arm design. Till thedrone hit the market, the developers spent lots of time and created many prototypes to achieve the designthe drone has now. Now, the best advantage of the Mavic Pro is a great space-efficient design. The device is endowed with folded arms that greatly save the space. When the drone is folded, it is smaller than the waterbottle.

Such a small size doesn’t mean that the drone shoots low-quality footage. It is endowed with the ability to shoot 4k video. The experts in this area consider that the power of this model is not less than Phantom 4 has. Besides, Mavic Pro can easily capture Raw photos.

The obstacles are not a problem for this drone. It is endowed with front-facing optical sensors. Theiroverriding priority is to help the drone avoid obstacles. Due to this option, the possibility of the dronecrashing equals to zero.


Without reference to a small size, the drone has a powerful battery. Its flight time is 21 minutes. The flighttime of Phantom 4 is 28minutes. For that reason, the difference is inconspicuous. The Mavic Pro’s speed is 40 mph.

The developers managed to merge power and smart features in a small drone. It makes easy for everyone to fly and create high-quality and beautiful images. Besides, the developers managed to solve the problem of too much space between arms and body through the use of a special unfolding mechanism.

DJI also solved the problem of cooling and gimbal issues. As a result, they managed to create an incredibletool that is really amazing in the form and performance.

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