Pix4D Workshop 4 DAYS


You will learn best practices for capturing RGB images and creating, managing, analyzing, and sharing 2D and 3D representations of reality. A series of hands-on exercises will demonstrate how to work effectively with the Pix4Dmapper solution.

Best practices for planning, flying, organizing, and merging projects will be covered. In addition, we will discuss troubleshooting methods and highlight the Quality Report.

We will also review processing options for point cloud generation and strategies to produce cleaner point clouds, in addition, to clean up “noise” when necessary.

By registering for this workshop you are eligible to receive a 50% discount on the Pix4D Certification exam.

Date: February 2-5 2020   Where: Dubai

You will learn best practices for capturing RGB images and creating, managing, analyzing, and sharing 2D and 3D representations of reality. A series of hands-on exercises will demonstrate how to work effectively with the Pix4Dmapper solution.
Best practices for planning, flying, organizing, and merging projects will be covered. In addition, we will discuss troubleshooting methods and highlight the Quality Report.
We will also review processing options for point cloud generation and strategies to produce cleaner point clouds, in addition, to clean up “noise” when necessary.
By registering for this workshop you are eligible to receive a 50% discount on the Pix4D Certification exam.
Public: from beginners to experienced users with Pix4Dmapper.
Content: we will cover topics of beginner to advanced levels.


  • Produce accurate 2D and 3D georeferenced representations of reality, including orthomosaics and 3D models
  • Acquire accurate measurements
  • Share your deliverables with stakeholders
  • Articulate knowledge of large project image acquisition.
  • Understand the theory of georeferencing as well as accuracy validation.
  • Process a project, articulate deliverable quality, and understand sharing capabilities.
  • Demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot and diagnose errors.
  • Understand sources of point cloud noise within a Pix4D project.
  • Streamline data selection & rayCloud navigation.
  • Review Point Cloud Classification steps, with focus on Ground and Road Surface classes.


February 2-3 , 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Pix4Dmapper Essentials


  • Introduction to photogrammetry
  • Collecting ground control points
  • Planning a drone flight with Pix4Dcapture
  • Introduction to checkpoints
  • Analyze Pix4Dmapper’s Quality Check Table

Practical Exercises

  • Launch Pix4Dmapper Desktop
  • Open a Pix4Dmapper Desktop project
  • Create a Pix4Dmapper Desktop project
  • Georeference with the Basic GCP/MTP Editor
  • Calibrate the camera
  • Georeference with the rayCloud
  • Generate the dense point cloud
  • Edit the dense point cloud
  • Generate the orthomosaic
  • Edit the orthomosaic
  • Measure in Pix4Dmapper Desktop
  • Create a Pix4Dmapper Cloud project
  • Measure in Pix4Dmapper Cloud
  • Create a custom Pix4Dmapper Cloud project
  • Share Pix4Dmapper Desktop deliverables
  • Share Pix4Dmapper Cloud deliverables

February 4, 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Processing Large Datasets with Pix4Dmapper

  • Conducting multiple battery swaps with one drone
  • Flying multiple drones over one area of interest
  • Processing a large dataset as one project
  • Merging multiple sub-projects with manual tie-points
  • Where to place checkpoints and ground control points throughout the project
  • The importance of data organization

February 5, 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM

rayCloud Editing Tips & Tricks

  • Introduction
  • Point Cloud Examples
  • Data capture suggestions
  • Processing Options review
  • Point cloud classification
  • Point cloud editing tools
DJI Zenmuse H30T

The all-weather, multi-sensor flagship Zenmuse H30 Series integrates five major modules—a wide-angle camera, a zoom camera, an infrared thermal camera, a laser range finder, and an NIR auxiliary light. Employing cutting-edge intelligent algorithms, it revolutionizes perception and imaging standards, transcending the limitations of day and night vision. This makes it effortlessly suitable for a variety of operations, including public safety, energy inspection, water conservation, and forestry.

DJI Zenmuse H30

The all-weather, multi-sensor flagship Zenmuse H30 Series integrates five major modules—a wide-angle camera, a zoom camera, an infrared thermal camera, a laser range finder, and an NIR auxiliary light. Employing cutting-edge intelligent algorithms, it revolutionizes perception and imaging standards, transcending the limitations of day and night vision. This makes it effortlessly suitable for a variety of operations, including public safety, energy inspection, water conservation, and forestry.

DJI Zenmuse L2 (LiDAR)
  • High Precision
  • Exceptional Efficiency
  • Superior Penetration
  • 250m/450m Detection Range
  • 5 Returns
  • Turnkey Solution
  • Point Cloud LiveView
  • One-Click Processing on DJI Terra

The PSDK load can be fixed to the M30 series flight platform, and different types of PSDK loads can be quickly removed and replaced.


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